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FL Jasco

The FP-8050 Series of spectrofluorometers consists of 4 individual systems to cover a wide variety of applications like QC, investigation of biomolecular structures, environmental monitoring and material sciences. No matter if you work in a university, industrial research, education or quality control, Jasco has a fitting accessory. All spectrometers are equipped with a 150W long life Xe-lamp for low maintenance operation and a Hg-lamp for wavelength calibration.

Alt TextpdfJasco General Brochure

Alt TextpdfJasco FP Applications

Alt TextpdfJasco FP-8050 Series


Alt TextpdfJasco FP-8250 brochure

  • Workhorse for routine operations


Alt TextpdfJasco FP-8350 brochure

  • Workhorse for routine operations


Alt TextpdfJasco FP-8550 brochure

  • High end models for highest requirements


Alt TextpdfJasco FP-8650 brochure

  • High end models for highest requirements

Portmann Instruments AG
Gewerbestrasse 18
CH-4105 Biel-Benken
Phone 061 726 65 55
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